





Pycharm Batabase限制非常大,下面我们介绍如何使用Django自带的admin管理网站数据。django的admin后台管理它可以让我们快速便捷管理数据,我们可以在各个app目录下的admin.py文件中对其进行控制。想要对APP应用进行管理,最基本的前提是要先在settings里对其进行注册,就是在INSTALLED_APPS里把APP名添加进去,我们在前面的文章基础配置有提到过。



from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Banner, Category, Tag, Tui, Article, Link 

class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'category', 'title', 'tui', 'user', 'views', 'created_time')
    # 文章列表里显示想要显示的字段
    list_per_page = 50
    # 满50条数据就自动分页
    ordering = ('-created_time',)
    list_display_links = ('id', 'title')
    # 设置哪些字段可以点击进入编辑界面

class BannerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'text_info', 'img', 'link_url', 'is_active')

class CategoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name', 'index')

class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name')

class TuiAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name')

class LinkAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name','linkurl')









文章评论 32

  • <class 'App.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E033) The value of 'ordering[0]' refers to 'created_time', which is not an attribute of 'App.Article'. <class 'App.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[3]' refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'App.Article'. <class 'App.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[4]' refers to 'user', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'App.Article'. <class 'App.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[5]' refers to 'views', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'App.Article'. <class 'App.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[6]' refers to 'created_time', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'App.Article'.

  • <class“App.admin.ArticleAdmin”>:(admin.E033)“ordering[0]”的值指的是“created_time”,它不是“App.Article”的属性。<class“App.admin.AArticleAdmin”>:(admin.E108)“list_display[3]”的值是指“tui”,它是不可调用的,是“ArticleAdmin”的属性,或“App.Article”上的属性或方法。<class“App.admin.ArticleAdmin”>:(admin.E108)“list_display[4]”的值指的是“user”,它不是可调用的,是“ArticleAdmin”的属性或“App.Article”的属性。<class”App.admin.ArticleAdmin“>:(admin.E108),或“App.Article”上的属性或方法。<class“App.admin.ArticleAdmin”>:(admin.E108)“list_display[6]”的值指的是“created_time”,它不是可调用的、“ArticleAdmin”的属性或“App.Article”的属性。

  • 我将db.sqlite3拉到database里面,出现了一个db,但是点开没有内容,什么都没有,这是为什么啊?

  • 1、创建数据库的代码,鼠标右键复制后,在pycharm 邮件,选择无格式黏贴(解决楼上“models.py中,created_time,tui等几个字段创建的那段代码缩进错了”的这个问题 2、按照步骤 迁移数据库 3、在pycharm 右上角 Database 视图窗口,点击bd 的设置,进入界面,看看这里。可以测试一下数据库链接,有可能缺少链接的工具包,他会提示你下载,我就是这么解决的。

  • Performing system checks...

    Unhandled exception in thread started by <function check_errors.<locals>.wrapper at 0x107fab7a0> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/pinfguo/python/pyweb/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/utils/", line 225, in wrapper fn(args, *kwargs) File "/Users/pinfguo/python/pyweb/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/commands/", line 117, in inner_run self.check(display_num_errors=True) File "/Users/pinfguo/python/pyweb/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 425, in check raise SystemCheckError(msg) SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:

    ERRORS: <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E033) The value of 'ordering[0]' refers to 'created_time', which is not an attribute of 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[3]' refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[4]' refers to 'user', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[5]' refers to 'views', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[6]' refers to 'created_time', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'.

    System check identified 5 issues (0 silenced).

  • 正在执行系统检查。。。

    <function check_errors启动的线程中出现未处理的异常<locals>.wapper at 0x107fab7a0>Traceback(最近一次调用):文件“/Users/pinfguo/python/pyweb/lib/python3.7/site packages/django/utils/”,第225行,在包装器fn(args,*kwargs)中,在inner_run self.check(display_num_errors=True)文件“/Users/pinfguo/python/pyweb/lib/python3.7/site packages/django/core/management/”的第425行,在检查中引发SystemCheckError(msg)系统检查发现了一些问题:


    系统检查发现了5个问题(0个静音)。 你按这个步骤去做

  • 请问大佬,根据教程在blog/admin.py文件里进行注册后, 提示如下报错: 请问是什么原因,不胜感激! SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues: ERRORS: <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E033) The value of 'ordering[0]' refers to 'created_time', which is not an attribute of 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[3]' refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[4]' refers to 'user', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[5]' refers to 'views', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[6]' refers to 'created_time', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'.

  • 教程非常好,看着易懂。只是 banner后台管理上传图片时,图片链接地址 要手工输入,该怎么填?如何自动取得图片地址?

  • 有一个问题是,上传图片了,而且在media文件夹下面的了。但是打开的时候无法查看。

  • 出现这个 refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article',首先检查models.py中的Article类下的粘贴格式是否有问题,有的粘贴位置都没有对齐。第二就是检查引用的名称是否有问题

  • 有没有人和我一样 复制上面的代码到 blog/ 页面下注册,会出现报错 打不开网站,找不到什么原因,我的python是 3.8 Django是最新版的 pycharm也是最新版的2020.2

    报错如下: class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable D:\djangoProject1\blog\ changed, reloading. INFO:django.utils.autoreload:D:\djangoProject1\blog\ changed, reloading. Watching for file changes with StatReloader INFO:django.utils.autoreload:Watching for file changes with StatReloader Performing system checks...

    Exception in thread django-main-thread: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner File "D:\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, self._kwargs) File "D:\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\django\utils\", line 53, in wrapper fn(*args, kwargs) File "D:\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands\", line 118, in inner_run self.check(display_num_errors=True) File "D:\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line 442, in check raise SystemCheckError(msg) SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:

    ERRORS: <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E033) The value of 'ordering[0]' refers to 'created_time', which is not an attribute of 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[3]' refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribut e or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[4]' refers to 'user', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribu te or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[5]' refers to 'views', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attrib ute or method on 'blog.Article'. <class 'blog.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[6]' refers to 'created_time', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Article'.

    System check identified 5 issues (0 silenced).

    后面我发现是 @admin.register 这个改为 后 就报错如下

    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)

    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 783, in exec_module File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "D:\djangoProject1\blog\", line 8, in <module> class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

    有谁解决了吗? 请教下

  • <class 'web.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E033) The value of 'ordering[0]' refers to 'created_time', which is not an attribute of 'web.Article'. <class 'web.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[3]' refers to 'tui', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'web.Article'. <class 'web.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[4]' refers to 'user', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'web.Article'. <class 'web.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[5]' refers to 'views', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'web.Article'. <class 'web.admin.ArticleAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[6]' refers to 'created_time', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'ArticleAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'web.Article'.

  • 按照大佬的源代码测试,“文章”这个链接点击去后报错。 (1054, "Unknown column 'blob_article.user_id' in 'field list'") ???什么情况?

  • <class 'blog.admin.LinkAdmin'>: (admin.E108) The value of 'list_display[2]' refers to 'linkurl', which is not a callable, an attribute of 'LinkAdmin', or an attribute or method on 'blog.Link'.